
As Leadership is one of the developmental tools which uncovers the link between the leaders’ ability to deliver within an organization and the comfort of the employees.  A leader needs proactive management of the team to ensure that the team plays a role in maximizing the wellbeing of the employees within the organization (Crainer 1996).  Leadership has impacts on self assessment of the new managers as it emphasizes on the wellbeing as a means employed to generate sustainable performance improvement within the enterprise Management begins with the formation of different groups, with common goals, which would not have otherwise been accomplished by a person. Leaders are crucial in the management (Dive, 2008). The leaders play a crucial role in planning, execution, controlling, and review of the management of the organization. Since management is an intangible force involving tangible personnel, human entanglement in the whole element encircles the role of leaders in management. This is because management integrates co workers to accomplish   the organizations objectives. Effective management is the pathway towards the success of the organization (Drucker 2001). On the other hand, leadership and management co exist. Leadership provides a harmonious and more focussed team. The achievements of any enterprise are dependent on the leaders. An effective leader casts the employees to the changing environments through encouragement of morale to the employees.

For effective, rational processing, a well established organization strategy is necessary without the involvement of the concept of management and leadership within the organization. This is because not all the leaders’ strategies are suited for all organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to observe all the objectives critically before application of any style of leadership (Field et al 2002). Globalization affects management of an organization in many ways. This is because the mangers nave to consider wider market for their products, which consequently means more competition as well as the seeking of international employees due to globalization. Consequently the leadership of an organization is affected by globalization as well as the customs and standards of a particular country. The customs and standards of a country need consideration when providing strong leadership for another country.

Goal of the Study

The goals of the research are geared towards determination of how leadership affects management in an organization.

Objectives of the study

1. To determine the effects of different leadership strategies on management of an organization.

2. To determine the most appropriate and commonly employed leadership strategy within different organizations.

3. To evaluate the relationship between leadership and management in the achievement of success within the organization.

Problem Statement and Justification

For effective, rational processing, a well established organization strategy is necessary without the involvement of the concept of management and leadership with the organization. This is because not all the leaders’ strategies suited for all organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to observe all the objectives critically before application of any style of leadership. Therefore, effective establishment of the objective has to be carefully examined for the development of close interpersonal relationship. The process of taking decisions for   an organization is highly critical. Therefore, effective matching of the managerial requirements of the organization needs to be carefully evaluated to avoid wrong evaluations (Rothwell 2001). Globalization has affected the management of businesses and enterprises due to the increase in the level of competition.  It has also affected the nature of employees since the employees are international ones. The economic and social wellbeing of the organization affects the performance of all employees within the enterprise. This is because all the people within the organization are dependent on effective and efficient leadership within the organization (Fink 2010). The concept of leadership affects the structure as well as the theory and practices of an organization hence shaping the variant forms of direction and control of the company. Most of the organizations are paralysed by situations in which people appeals for direction and the feelings of immobilization and disorganization within the organization due to poor leadership.  Therefore, this research focuses on the understanding of the different phenomenon of leadership and not just improving the practices of leadership.


The Role of Leadership in Quality Management on Organizations

The role of leadership in quality management is the back one of   any organizations improvement strategy. The leaders in an organization provide the unity among the employees and establish the organization of the organization (Anderson & Anderson 2010). The major responsibility of the leaders is to create and preserve the interior environment within which all employees are undoubtedly involved in the achievement of the organizations goals and the strategies towards success. Good leadership is, therefore, essential in the improvement of the quality of service delivery across different organization. Leadership is the driving force which sets the objectives of an organization. The leaders assist the employees of an organization to implement the aims and objectives of the company (Tyson & York 2000).  Leadership affects management of a company since leaders are role models in affecting individuals’ capabilities. It affects the total of labour market. Leadership involves connecting individual’s talent to organizational process through the management of career. This broadens the human resource management systems (Fulmer & Goldsmith 2001). In addition, through leadership, the managers in an organization develop a form of social reality with far reaching effects which is poorly understood in most instances. Leadership like other social phenomenon is developed through interaction, and emerging results of interaction. Through leadership, some individuals surrender their power to define the nature of the different experiences to the lives of others. Leadership is dependent on the existences of individuals as it lies in the larger part of generating reference against which a feeling of organization and direction is realized (Giuliani & Kurson 2002).

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The Role of Leadership in Management

Leadership plays a crucial role in management of an organization. The role of leadership in management comprises of many factors (Guest et al. 1977). For instance, a leader in an organization has to be pro active and lead the other employs within the firm through example. The leaders need to set exemplary behaviours to be emulated by other members of the society rather than through dictation of actions.  In addition, the leaders need to understand the fluctuations of the external environments. This is because the fluctuations in the external environments play a crucial role in the definition of the situation within the internal environment. Therefore, leaders have to fully comprehend the external environment so as to be able to react efficiently to changes in the internal environment. Furthermore, leaders need to be considerate of all the needs of all the stake holders (Quinn 1990). For example, a leader has to consider and understand the needs of the customers, employees’ local communities and supplies of the organization. The leader had to establish a clear understanding of the organizations, prospects through the establishment of common values and ethical models through out the organization.

The Effects of Globalization on Management and Leadership

The increase in the role of globalization has effects on management and leadership.   The power of globalization has affected management through market and customers based international employee transfer rates (Woodcomb 2001). Before the rise in globalization, organizations and companies considered their customers as the country of origin of their businesses. However, due to globalization, the management of a company can be considered after considering all the global factors (Jironet 2011). As a result, of globalization, management has caused the management to expand to different regions allowing production to increase. Before globalization of products and services, most of the companies did not have a wide range of customers, which decreased the value of production within the business (Rainey 2010). Due to globalization most of the business made more profitable and complex.

Good leader in one of the countries might not mean that in all the countries will have outstanding leaders for the business. This is because an exceptional leader is deemed by several characteristics, which favour their countries of operation (Cribbin 1972). These characteristics may not be appreciated in other countries. However, any strong leader can be beneficial in any of the countries.

Leadership and Risk Management

Leadership plays an important role in prevention of financial melt down and losses to the company. Leaders within an organization have the responsibility of controlling the financial resources of the enterprise such that in the event of the forth coming changes in the consumer trends for products and services, the managers and the leaders within the organization need to have shields to cushion against losses (Wren 1995). To achieve this, leaders need to be aware of the changing consumer trends and employ the changes to the current business trends to ensure that the business is updated in its services (Ahmed et al. 2002). This will ensure ease monitoring of the current trends in the business in terms of the market share and the rate of production of the services by the organization. Previous research indicated that the companies that survived during the financial meltdown period were the companies which had leaders with integrity, compassion and courage.  In contrast, the work failing is exhibited by some leaders before and after the crisis, which indicates their lack of care on what can happen to the people. The procedures and policies for use in the prediction, evaluation and management of risk within the organization are necessary (Lencioni 2002).


Both local and international insurance businesses will be used for the study. The study will employ a discipline of survey through the use of questionaries interviews and adoption studies within the business. A total of 15 insurance companies will be used for this study with seven local and international companies.   The purpose of this research study is to determine and evaluate the different ways of life within this management groups to uncover the different structures of management. The questions will be delivered though post mail or through online questionnaires to the executive managers of an organization. The sample size will be determined based on the number of the questionnaires answered by the managers of an organization. Descriptive surveys will be used during preliminary studies to allow for the gathering of information to summarize and interpret the information to facilitate the determination of the research population the research will involve the use of questionnaires and   interviews with varied managers, staff members and leaders in different organizations. Also, the data will be gathered the data in the settings and the ethnographic traditions were useful to orient towards the understanding of the realms and inter subject meanings which define the organization. During this study, the working hours of the employees will be maintained in an attempt to understand the working environment of the organization. The study will also involve observation of the management staff through their staff meetings and planning sessions.

Data Analysis

Data collected in the field will be coded and entered into the computer for analysis using the statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS).  This is because SPSS is able to handle large amount of data and given its wide spectrum of statistics procedures purposefully designed for social sciences. It is also quite efficient. Frequencies mean standard deviation and ANOVA will be used.

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