The heart of the organization is in its surplus charging and revenue recognition. Employees are called the backbone for an organization and they are the one on which the organizations merely accentuates (Dennis, 2007). Organizations use a number of strategies to strengthen its financial as well as organizational functions. The end users are the main thing for an organization and the end users are the customers (Bossaerts & Degaard, 2006).

When an organization establishes then a number of things associates with that which ultimately becomes a regular part of the organizations (Dennis, 2007). Things are changing very rapidly in the current world which not only changes the entire environment of the organization but also changes the customer bases as well. Organization uses different strategies to increase its bottom line and customer base as well. Sometimes organizations faces a lot of problems in their long run but there are things and strategy which should be undertake by the entities to overweigh on them comprehensively (Bossaerts & Degaard, 2006).

Taking economic and operational decisions is a regular activity of an organization and among a number of decisions the decision of project management is the most important one. Basically, project management decisions have been taken into account to expand the operations of the organization (Bossaerts & Degaard, 2006).

Organizations have to take number of provisions for their employees in order to get sufficient and timely work from them. Human resources is the concerned department rendered their duties for the employees of the organizations. The main perspective of this assignment is to analyze different strategies of HR department and prepare different plans relating to those strategies.

Strategic Objectives

According to the requirements of the assignment, the researcher has to propose 5 different strategies for each of the area or function of Human Resources. The selected areas of the HR department are recruitment, retention and attraction, job re-design, separation, and learning & development. Let’s start with Recruitment.


Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job (Dennis, 2007). For some components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations often retain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. Recruitment is the most basic function of HR department (Dennis, 2007) (Dennis, 2007). The strategies of the recruitment which must be considered by the companies are.

  1. Screen the basic qualification and experience of the candidates applying for the position.
  2. Separate the application which has some potential and save them and contact them later.
  3. Take a telephonic test to get know the personality of the speaking person. Conducting a paper test can also be fruitful for the companies to know the capability of the incumbent.
  4. Called for interviews to the successful candidates of the test.
  5. Hire the best potential candidate for the position.

All of these strategies can be extremely successful in recruiting the best personnel for the organization. Let’s now move towards the second are which is Job Design and Re-Design.

Job Design/Re-Design

Work arrangement (or rearrangement) aimed at reducing or overcoming job dissatisfaction and employee alienation arising from repetitive and mechanistic tasks (Dennis, 2007). Through job design, organizations try to raise productivity levels by offering non-monetary rewards such as greater satisfaction from a sense of personal achievement in meeting the increased challenge and responsibility of one's work. Job enlargement, job enrichment, job rotation, and job simplification are the various techniques used in a job design exercise (Dennis, 2007). Job Re-Design means to revive the job of a particular person. Strategies of the same are mentioned below.

  • Evaluate the Performance of every employee after every quarter;
  • Judge that whether he/she is performing according to company norms;
  • Evaluate the importance of the person in some other department;
  • Revive his/her job status and job description according to the usage of new place;
  • Report to the management regarding your decision.


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Separation in HR means to terminate an employee from the job or to separate an employee from a particular job due to his lack of compatibility and reliability (Dennis, 2007). Employees’ issues are extremely sensitive and they should be treated very calmly otherwise lots of things and issues come in the mind ever after. The strategies of separation are mentioned below

  • Evaluate the credibility + performance of employee after every quarter to have a proper check and balance;
  • Evaluate the compatibility of the employee;
  • Don’t directly say to him/her, that you are not reliable or compatible to handle this task, but divert them with ease and relax mind;
  • Try to allocate or delegate some other work to them;
  • Try to enhance the relationship with the employees who has been separated from some tasks.

Learning & Development

Learning & Development, also called training and development is one of the most important activities of the HR department (Dennis, 2007). In the field of human resource management, training and development is the field which is concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings (Dennis, 2007). It has been known by several names, including human resource development, and learning and development.

Strategies of the same are mentioned below

  1. Rate all the employees.
  2. Try to give extra attention and training to weaker employees.
  3. Try to give weekly test regarding the product and services of the organization.
  4. Train them accordingly.
  5. Apprise them regarding the future economic benefits of learning and development.

We are now moving towards the implementation plan of these strategies in an organization.

Implementation Plan

A plan is typically any diagram or list of steps with timing and resources, used to achieve an objective (Dennis, 2007). See also strategy. It is commonly understood as a temporal set of intended actions, through which one expects to achieve a goal. Plans can be of two types, formal plans and informal plans. Planning is an strategy to make the best utilization of the plans and steps. To implement the above mentioned strategies on the organization to increase their productivity, it is more than important to adopt can do approach (Dennis, 2007).

The first in the plan is the independence of the HR department. HR department of a company must be independent to take different actions and should have the authority to hire and fire any other without the consent of the upper management.

HR department must distribute their team in a professional and ethical manner to evaluate the performance of the employees accordingly and give reports on regular basis to the HR director. The plan should start with can do approach and must complete with the same aim in mind. Meeting deadlines of the projects is extremely important for the companies so HR department should equipped itself to compel the employees to do the job in proficient manner and according to the plan.

Communication Strategy

Communication is the process which whereby thoughts are conveyed and, meaning is shared between organizations or individuals (Dennis, 2007). Marketing activities relies heavily on the essence of communication as without appropriate communication the marketing department can not convey its message to the consumers. Organizations use different methods to enhance the stance of communication between the organization and customers (Dennis, 2007).

Communication is extremely important between HR department and employees. Organization can use number of strategies and mediums to have in touch with their employees. Some of the mediums are mentioned below

Short Messaging Service (SMS), Calls, Emails, Memos and Social Networks like Face book and Orkut. All of these strategies can be extremely fruitful for the organization to have a direct and instant conversation with the employees.

Strategy of Monitoring

Performance management is the systematic process by which an agency involves its employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals.

The basic strategy to monitor the performance of the employees is that, the HR department has to distribute its workforce in a professional manner and try to equip them with all sort of knowledge and tool to analyze the performance of an employee through tests and online conversation. This particular activity should be repeated after every quarter to have an up to date knowledge regarding the employees. 

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