Question 1. Strategic implementation is a process where plans and strategies are put into actions in order to reach goals. A strategic plan is a written document that contains business’ laid out plans meant to reach the company’s goals. Strategic leadership transforms an organization into a successful entity because implementation of a company’s strategies and plans makes them acquire their goals. Effective leadership is a great asset in strategic implementation because it leads, guides, inspires and motivates the employees in performing organizational tasks more effectively and efficiently. Leadership results to changes in an organization. Changes are crucial in the growth and development of an organization. These changes can be; changes in technology, changes in competitors, changes in consumer’s tastes, political changes among others. Any organization should be flexible enough to respond and adapt to various changes that occur in the environment. Leadership plays an important role in integrating the conflicting interests of people, departments, sub-units or groups in an organization. Conflicts between employees of an organization will always occur but effective leadership helps settle these matters amicably.  Managers with leadership skills are able to inspire the subordinates. These skills are gained through leadership trainings. Effective leadership is required in developing sets of values, beliefs and norms that are shared by all members of an organization. They influence the morale, motivation and performance of the employees. Leadership in strategic implementation helps identify, involve and ensure that all the group or department leaders deliver and meet their deadlines. Effective leadership ensures that corporate strategy runs without hitches.  Corporate strategies are done in phases. Company leadership identifies when each of the phase is complete for the next phase to start. Effective leadership involves correct assignment of duties to individuals. Allocation of qualified individuals to departments matching their field specialization helps the company reach its goals more easily. Leadership helps in effective management of a firm’s operations, helps in making of courageous and candid decision and helps in making better decisions than the competitors.

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Question 2. The  key strategic leadership actions are; be a strategic thinker and use its power to identify employee’s needs during change, develop a strategic action plan and share with employees, seek for advice from a trusted mentor or advisor, display zeal in your commitment for change, facilitate and celebrate achievements, acknowledge and honor everyone’s value to the business, provide employees with some leadership responsibility over a segment of change and empower them to work, promote the inclusion of employees to help them gain a sense of belonging to the company, focus on achieving measurable goals, create an environment that encourages the spirit of communalism rather than the spirit of individualism, create a compensation system based on performance so that the employees can develop a sense of ownership and finally develop a zero tolerance to a no commitment attitude. 

Question 3. These key strategic leadership actions affect future’s strategic leadership in  a several ways; identifying and fulfilling the needs of employees helps them assimilate effectively and gain a sense of belonging in the company helping the company’s level of output to escalate in the future. Involving the employees in development of strategic plans helps employees get familiarized with the company’s plans, policies and strategies. In the process, employees with leadership qualities are nurtured in order to take over management in the future. Use of trusted professional help from mentors and advisors helps the company foresee factors that would affect them in the future. With such insights, they can always change or improve on their plans and policies. Recognizing and rewarding the employees causes them to compete amongst themselves and in the process, the company benefits in the future due to increased output and workforce. Delegation of responsibilities to employees helps in bringing up of potential leaders in the future.

Question 4. In Tyco international case sturdy ; the case of corporate malfeasance, strategic entrepreneurship has created the firm value of Tyco. During Kozlowski’s tenure, the firm grew from $300 million to $36 billion. Tyco successfully identified opportunities and developed competitive advantages that were needed to appropriate value from those opportunities. Tyco grew in terms of size, revenues and profits leading to an increased growth of the company’s net worth. Through strategic entrepreneurship, the company became more diversified. 

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