
Hinduism and Buddhism mark two major religions in classical India and china. Hinduism is the religion of the majority in India today and is unique among other world religions in the world as it lacks a central being that can be credited for having developed it. On the other hand, Buddhism was started by Gautama Buddha who incorporated most of Hindu teachings while at the same time rejecting its priests. Religion therefore forms an important part of traditions of both the people of china and India. Religion is engraved in the heart of every activity and inequality is viewed as a social norm within the caste system. There is a strong among the Indians and the Chinese that human are inherently unequal. These two religions tend to advocate that leaders must come from the elite class. To this day, this notion has not been challenged and the neutral order of the social hierarchy still reigns. This social inequality advanced by religion has been used to build contrasts in both the society and in politics (Brass 178).

Religion and the perspectives of the citizens

Understanding culture and religion therefore seems to offer an insight into various activities of both this countries. In particular, Hinduism and Buddhism tend to influence to a larger extent the population and the culture of the Indians and the Chinese. When a given political party acknowledges the existence the importance of a given religion, the party receives an undivided support from that religion. Given that political parties run these countries, then the role played by these religions become evident.

Communalism can also be understood through the inclusion of religion. Religions are communities of people believing in a common set of beliefs.  These communities in most cases induce a sense of belonging to its followers who work together in many other areas apart from worshipping.

Religious divisions have continued to fuel ethnic conflicts in India and china. A look at the Kashmir region at the border of India and Pakistan demonstrates the effect of religion on ethnicity (James 145). These ethno-religious conflicts have at times led to violent interstate differences with far reaching effects.

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These cultures and traditions influence the people perspectives towards their governments. People of India and china abhor the issue of the politicization of religion. It is everyone expectation that religion should be left to play its role in homes, the hearts and even in the minds of the people. On the other hand, the effect of religion on politics has led to unending strife and has also resulted in power struggles which at times become violent. To many, religion has been viewed as a tool of the dominant class to advance their political endeavors (Brass 178).

Effects of religion on relations with global community

Religious perspectives have been shown to influence national policies and the economic activities. Governments in these countries spend too much effort trying to come up with national policies that would maintain political balance. National programs are tailored to reflect equality among the major religions in a bid to quell any bad feeling. In areas with religious conflicts, many economic activities are affected leading to lowered production. Where religiousness is incorporated especially in industries, fruits are born due to honesty and other virtues instilled by religion.

Religious conflicts determine the course of international relations in India especially on political and economic globalization. It has emerged that domestic activities and policies interact with international factors. This is more so in cases where ethno-religious conflicts are involved. This interaction is sometimes solved through foreign intervention.


Both Hinduism and Buddhism affect many facets of politics and society. Religion itself influences the behavior of its believers both at home and in their hearts. Among the unique importance of religions in India and china is their ability to augment or undermine the legitimacy of any government in power. Religious divisions have in many cases turned into fully pledged wars affecting national policies, economic activities and influencing international relations.

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