Hinduism is a form of traditional religion practiced by the Indians while Buddhism refers to a religion comprising of different traditions, practices and beliefs practiced by the Buddha community in the Northern India. These two religions have got mixed similarities, among them are as follows.

The two religions share a lot of practices when it comes to performing rituals. A prime example is the cleansing of the Homa. Both also hold prayers for their deceased members and the ancestors. Ullambana language calls it Sanskrit. Many of their deities and gods are given significant attention during rituals.

Both Hinduism and Buddhism uphold Ahimsa as their religious practice. Ahimsa is a practice that advocates for the respect of life. They changed their religious practice of offering human sacrifices to their gods. Intentional killing of the human being brings unlucky omens to the community. This ruling stands firm against any harm to the human body. Both religions practice Mantra. They are conduits which carry spiritual blessings. They keep evil spirits and enemies away. Mantra is also used in the creation and acquiring more wealth. Mantra was a Hindu practice, but the Buddhists and the Jains adopted it later.

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Reincarnation is practiced by both the Hindus and Buddhists. A person is born once and dies once in Rig Veda. There is life after death and ancestors usually accompany the dead in ceremony in heaven. Dharma which means reality is the best way of truth. The beings that remain in moral terms with the Dharma usually prosper in whatever they do. The idea of dharma constitutes the basic practices, beliefs and principles of both the Hinduism and Buddhism.

The Hinduism and Buddhism do share many technical terms. Buddhist tradition redefined some physiological terms which it currently uses. The term Samanna-phala Sutta refers to tevijja (three languages). Vedic tradition also defines it as knowledge.

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