Unless specifically noted otherwise your sources should be peer reviewed primary sources.



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Article #

1 Youth gangs as a closed system

APA Citation


What is the article about?

Youths joining gangs and being ignored thus, remain in a close system.

Why was the research performed?

The research was performed to establish programs and measures that have been taken to address the issue of youth gangs as a closed system.


It was found that various agencies have developed strategies to deal with these issues. Involvement into gang youth has reduced significantly.


The programs have enables those already involved in youth gangs to leave them while the vulnerable ones are educated.


Youth gangs still remains a closed system. Thus, much still needs to be done to alleviate the issue.

Implications for Practice

Many youths have known the evils of joining youth gangs

Key Words



Article #

2: programs, intervention and suppression of youth gangs

APA Citation


What is the article about?

The article is about youth gang related issues and how they have affected the society.

Why was the research performed?

The research was performed to evaluate the success that has been witnessed in the fight against youth gangs.


Many youths have refrained from joining youth gangs movements


The programs to some extent have addressed the communal problem of youth gangs


Some issues remains unaddressed due to lack of enough initiatives  and proper coordination

Implications for Practice

Violent activities in the societies have reduced remarkably due to the unwavering fight against them.

Key Words

Programs, youth gangs, community


Article #

3:Youth gang triple murder rate

APA Citation


What is the article about?

The article research paints a picture of a country where youth-on-youth violence is spiralling as the Government struggles to rein back the increasing number of children turning to gangs and falling into a life of drugs.

Why was the research performed?

The research was performed to investigate the activities that youth gangs engage in such as murder.


Most people have suffered from the acts of youth gangs


The research was able to come with measures to address the problem


Youth gangs still continues to operate since little was done

Implications for Practice

Many youth gangs will fall under arrest. They might heighten their effort to fight with what they call their enemies(the police)

Key Words

Murder, arrest, arrest, gangs


Article #

4: youth gangs, violence and drugs

APA Citation


What is the article about?

The article is about finding activities of youth gangs

Why was the research performed?

It was performed to access how youth gangs have affected societal wellbeing


Violence activities have increased in the communities


It was able to establish all violence related activities to youth gangs


Some of youth gang activities are operated under ground, thus hard to access them

Implications for Practice

The required actions were established to reduced youth involvement in gangs

Key Words



Article #

5: Vulnerability of children into joining youth gangs

APA Citation


What is the article about?

The article is about children who are vulnerable to joining youth gangs.

Why was the research performed?

The research is about examining effects of youth who are joining such gangs


Many youths are vulnerable to join gangs


Require efforts to educate the youths are necessary


Many children still lack the required information and find themselves joining this gangs

Implications for Practice

Educate the children and save future generations.

Key Words

Educate, children


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Article #

6: Effects of youth gangs on the society

APA Citation


What is the article about?

Effects of youth on the society and its negative effects

Why was the research performed?

The research was performed to access how ignoring the youth gangs have affected the society.


Youth gangs have affected the communities negatively in all sectors: economically, socially and politically.


The research was able to establish all activities of youth gangs and how they affect the society.


It was not possible to access all members and hence we could not establish their point of view.

Implications for Practice

Youth gangs lead to lack of development in our communities. Thus, the economy that highly depends on youths is left to the doldrums

Key Words

Economy, society



Article #

7: Youth gangs no longer a big city

APA Citation


What is the article about?

The article is about investigating the seriousness of youth gangs in terrorizing the community.

Why was the research performed?

The research was performed to put into light the reality involved in youth gangs


Youth gangs are real. Their activities are also real. They are no longer a big city.


The research addressed the real activities and interviewed the major participants.


It was not possible to get their wider view of how they operate as they keep that as a secret.

Implications for Practice

Youth gangs are real. Their activities are being witnessed fairy in our societies. Thus, something needs to be done to save youths.

Key Words

City, terrorize, reality


Article #

8: Agencies involved in addressing issues of youth gangs

APA Citation


What is the article about?

The article is about issues that have been addressed in order to refrain youths from joining gangs

Why was the research performed?

The research was performed in order to address the issues of the fact that youths gangs are considered as closed systems


Youth gangs have been ignored. This makes them to start violence related activities that affects the entire society


Various youths have been able to leave youth gangs


Many issues still remains un attended

Implications for Practice

It is important to come up with measures that aims at helping youths to feel they are part and parcel of the community hence avoid joining such gangs

Key Words

Gangs, refrain, agencies.


Article #

9 :Government intervention on youth gangs

APA Citation


What is the article about?

The research is about government efforts in addressing youth gangs and measures taken.

Why was the research performed?

To investigate effort done by the government to address issues of youth gangs


Government has not done enough  to save youths from joining gangs


The research involved interviewing of some of the members of youth gangs.


Both parties did not give enough information: gang members and government officials

Implications for Practice

Government should intervene and address issue of gangs comprehensively.

Key Words

Government, gangs, officials, intervention.


Article #

10: Offenders of youth gangs

APA Citation


What is the article about?

The article involves assessing how youth gangs who are arrested are treated by the authority

Why was the research performed?

The research was performed to establish how the government responds to the issue of youth gangs and the penalties given.


Youth gang’s members are treated just like other offenders.


The research was able to address penalties of youths who involve themselves in gangs


The researcher was not able to put into consideration all the cases

Implications for Practice

Many youths have been arrested and imprisoned. However, due to rehabilitation programs, the degree of offenders has reduced.

Key Words

Offender, arrest


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