(1). Which is not a correct description of the ITU's activities:

(2). Which actor below sought to eliminate colonialism for reasons other than humanitarianism and nationalism?

(3). Which of the following is not how some states view disarmament?

(4). What is the minimum population size for admission into the UN.

(5). Which of the following is false?

(6). The Amphictyonic councils was not based on:

(7). What event signalled the end of U.S. Congressional support to United Nations funding?

(8). Class C Mandates exclude which qualification:

(9). Which aspect of the UN's representation is not egalitarian?

(10). Si vis pacem para bellum has what effect on nuclear weapons?

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(11). Which organization has not been associated in a regional cooperation with the United Nations?

(12). Which African state did not possess UN membership in 1960?

(13). Which grouping was surpassed as having the largest number of UN members between 1998 and 1999?

(14). which state refused to impose naval limits subsequent to the 1921 naval limitations conference?

(15). SORT committed the US to reduce its arsenals to what amount?

(16). When do regular sessions usually begin for the General Assembly?

(17). The United States departed which organization in 1977?

(18). Which state was denied independence by France in 1956?

(19). What theme was not discussed at the Millennium Summit?

(20). The League Covenant did not establish which organ?

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