Zoning policy involves laws that regulate organizations by dividing them into sections to managing how they function in the society. Public policy in a modern society involves advantages and disadvantages resulting in pleasure, pain, or irritation; it also reveals the consequences that cater for our well-being and happiness. These policies tend to affect our environment, and this explains why the public need to know how the government officials implement, budget, and evaluate these policies.

The study of public policies incorporates professional, scientific, and political reasons for effective policies. Good policies tend to have laws that fulfill their purposes. The process of policymaking exists in different forms, which depends on the organizational venue, whether it is an administrative agency, legislative or judiciary.

Basing on student admissions to CUNNY colleges, this paper focuses on how the zoning policy determines the admission to the colleges. The organization adopts zoning policies to assist in developing the environment, human health, and their regions. The background information about the student admissions is that the college offers programs that authorities such as the Higher Education General Information Survey regulate if the programs are registered. This assists the Department of Education in allowing only the programs that factor in the student’s financial eligibility.

There is also the visa question that authorizes students to apply for admissions in the US. It also allows international students to get an immigration status that enables them to enter the US colleges. The US embassy controls the visa application process, in which they determine for the students a valid period of their stay in colleges. Zoning policy has its effect in CUNNY colleges, where it offers students with improved sustainability, especially in educational programs, to help them improve on the goals and life in society.

CUNNY implements initiatives that benefit the college students and assist the city residents to achieve their goals. It offers courses that instill in students the skills for organizing public events, workshops, producing publications, and participating in research. It has a positive effect on students in a way that such knowledge makes them advance by improving on their technology skills. The sustainability initiatives enable the college students to meet their agenda and achieve their goals by becoming experts in research to serve the community and cities around the world.

These policies also enable students to realize their goals in the society through applying the knowledge from their previous colleges and revealing their research abilities, which assist them in the public events to meet global needs. In the urge to instill knowledge in the students, these policies also create effects on the students in a way that they build their talents, creativity, and energy, making them assets for the community, rather than liabilities. The policies also give to the students the strong personal desire to commit themselves to their mission and apply common sense to addressing the public in the field.

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The zoning policy also has effects on students through the programs it offers, such as the environmental studies. This allows students to apply the skills they get to address the critical issues that face the environment. This program provides students with opportunities to access the environmental issues that revolve around the policy issues, social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and urban studies so as to emphasize public policies and social justice.

The graduates of this program operate publicly when they present an environmental issue in considering the economic and social aspects that affect the urban centers and long-term solutions. They participate in such activities with the help of films and resources from the website, where they act as guest speakers when presenting environmental issues. Participation in such public policies instills in the students the technical and scientific aspects to solve the environmental issues, such as the climatic change. The students get to know the political context of their society in order to implement effective policies. Through the courses offered in the colleges, students learn about physical and biological sciences, which make them understand more about the environment, especially in the urban centers.

They study the planning practices and policies that enlighten them on the issues of gender, race, and class. They also familiarize themselves with social, political, and environmental issues within their surroundings. They discover the significance of contemporary debates about how to deal with public issues and gain experience when working with the experts in the field (Windsor, 1979).

The zoning policy also affects people in the community by reducing the chances for students to achieve their goals. American society values equal opportunities in education, but its system often makes them fail by incorporating issues to do with zoning, school assignment policies, and housing. Those problems lead to low-income students going to high-poverty institutions, where they tend to perform worse in their studies. It also has an impact on the society because they do not accept the fact that the increasing economic segregation is inevitable due to the housing policies and the social economic integration programs at school.

The zoning problem is a crucial issue in the society because it changes the entire mission of the urban centers; they go around legal constraints and shift the political priorities of the community. Performance zoning incorporates the goals criteria in the society leading to a high level of discretionary deals and makes it hard for the authorities to supervise the activities.

Zoning of the laws functions against the efficiency of the economy and, in turn, it hinders development in the society. The relevant authorities to contact on this issue include the members of the state government who exercise the power to cater for public welfare. The Supreme Court is also a relevant authority that can solve these problems by allowing all society members to get equal rights in terms of education, social and political matters without biases.

When the state enforces laws, it controls this situation in the community, as the implemented laws set the pattern for zoning to reach all the members of the society. The development of these complex regulations creates public policies that reduce zoning in the society.

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