Emotional intelligence is the ability one has so as to identify, assess, as well as control the emotions of oneself, that of others, and of groups. It involves attention to, emotional empathy, as well as discriminating one's emotions. More over, it includes accurately recognizing the mood of one as well as for others, managing it and possession of good communication as well as social skills.

For effective and successful management of organizations and human resources, there are a number of challenges to be experienced. Organizations, businesses or companies are downsizing, some are reengineering for the aim of competing in the global world as well as facing an explosion of readily available information.

In a modern organization, an employee who has high emotional intelligence can manage his or her own impulse, manage change properly, communicate with the rest appropriately, solve issues, as well as use humor in building rapport in a tense situation. More over, these employees also possess empathy; they maintain optimism even in the presence of adversity. They are also gifted at persuading and educating in a sales circumstances as well as resolving any customer complaint in the role of a customer service.

There are a number of emotional intelligence competencies, which can contribute more to a workplace achievement than being without (Bennis 2004). First, intuition and empathy; this is being aware of the feelings, concerns and needs of others. This competency is important in a modern organization due to various reasons. It helps one to understand others as well as show an interest in their interests and concerns. It also aids in building the ability for one to anticipate, recognize as well as meet a customer's needs. It helps in developing people, that is, the ability in sensing what other people need so as to develop, grow, and master their strengths. Lastly, it cultivates opportunities through leveraging diversity.

Another competency is political acumen as well as social skills. This refers to our adeptness at which we can induce a desirable response in others. It is also important in a modern organization for a number of reasons. It is important at influencing, which is, using effective methods and techniques for persuasion and attaining desired results.

It aids in the process of sending clear as well as convincing messages, which can be, understood by other employees. In addition, it helps in leadership qualities; to inspire and guiding groups of individuals. It assists one to work with business partners and coworkers towards common goals, in addition to, nurturing essential relationships for the success of an organization.  It is essential in the resolution of conflicts amongst individuals as well as initiating changes in an organization. Lastly, it is a catalyst in the creation of group synergy in the quest of collective goals.

There are personal competencies, which are important in determining how an individual can manage himself or herself. Self awareness is a state where an individual knows one's preferences, intuitions, internal states, and resources. It involves self confidence; being sure of one's capability and self-worth. More over, it is the art of knowing an individual's strength as well as limits. Under it, emotional awareness is the recognition of one's emotions, in addition to, their consequences on those surrounding an individual.

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Self regulation is a competency which involves the management of an individual's impulses, internal states, as well as resources. It is very important in an organization for a number of reasons. For example, self control, which is the management of a disruptive emotion and impulse. It is important for the maintenance of the standards of integrity and honesty. It is responsible for flexibility in the way one handles change, and conscientiousness; that is the shouldering of responsibility or being responsible for one's own performance. Lastly, it is important at innovation; that is being comfortable with openness to approaches, novel ideas, as well as new information (Perrella 1999).

Self expectations and motivation are emotional tendencies, which guide the attainment of goals. This is a competency which is important for a reason like achievement drive. This is striving so as to improve or achieve a standard of excellence that one imposes on himself or herself. It is also important in commitment where one aligns with the targets of an organization. More over, it is a catalyst in getting an individual to be ready to act on an opportunity without being given a notice. Lastly, it is important in the idea of optimism, which is, persisting in the pursuit of goals despites experiencing setbacks.

In conclusion, what is being proved is the importance of having employees who are highly emotionally intelligent. This is important in the business world if one has to have an upper hand in the competitive field (Goleman 2008). Nowadays, organizations tend to focus their selection criteria, as well as training programs on skills like technical expertise, knowledge, industry. An individual with leadership skills has to have emotional intelligence in order to align personal as well as subordinate goals to accomplish the goals of an organization. In a summary, there are about four responsibilities which a leader must put into practice at all levels of an organization or business. Firstly, transfer ownership for work to individuals or employees who do the work. Secondly, an environment where the transfer of ownership can occur is created or developed. This is a situation where each individual would want to be responsible for their own performances.

This involves the painting of a clear picture of what the organization believes quality performance is, for the organization and each individual; while focusing each employee on the few quality performance factors; developing in each individual the desire to be responsible for their performance; bringing into line organization systems as well as structures to put across a clear message as to what is essential for great performance; engaging each one's mind, heart, as well as hands in the business of the organization or company; and energizing individuals around the business sphere. Thirdly, create and maintain individual competence as well as capability. Lastly, come up with conditions in the company, business or organization that challenge each individual person to learn continuously, not locking him or her self out. These are the four principals which align personal as well as company goals through emotional intelligence.

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