Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E is an enterically transmitted infection that is self-limiting. It is caused by the hepatitis E virus (HEV). It is mainly spread through fecally contaminated water and has many similarities to hepatitis A. Hepatitis E has been found out to cause chronic hepatitis in solid organ recipients. It E can manifest in two phases which are acute and chronic phase. The acute phase lasts for less than 6months and symptoms may go unnoticed while the chronic phase lasts for a longer period and symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, vomiting, and pain in the liver area may be prevalent.

Hepatitis E treatment is mainly preventive and relies on clean drinking water, proper sanitation and good personal hygiene. Treatment focuses on alleviating the symptoms associated with the infection. There is a recombinant hepatitis E vaccine that has also been successfully developed to prevent against infection.

Hepatitis F

Hepatitis F is a technically non-existent virus. Hepatitis F has come about due to an infection common in the Far East which is neither hepatitis B or C. in some circles, this virus is being recognized as hepatitis F virus (Meers et al 57).

Hepatitis G

Hepatitis G is caused by the hepatitis G virus (HGV) which is very similar to hepatitis C virus (HCV). The hepatitis G virus infection is extremely rare and so far it does not seem to cause infection or illness although it coexists with other hepatitis infections. It has been found out that about one in five people with hepatitis C virus also carry hepatitis G virus. Although it coexists with other hepatitis infections, in rare occasions it has also been found to exist on its own where other hepatitis infections are not present. Hepatitis G virus is a blood borne and is transmitted through contaminated blood or fluids. It is a recently discovered type of hepatitis firstly described in 1995. Diagnosis is mainly through blood tests. There is no specific treatment to hepatitis G, other than rest which is to be undertaken by the infected person (Achord 31).

Hepatitis H

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Hepatitis H is likely to be the name given to the next hepatitis virus that is isolated by scientists. Studies are being conducted by scientists to try and define why 10-15% of patients suffering from chronic hepatitis do not belong into any of the other hepatitis virus category. So it is therefore possible that this hepatitis H category is waiting for the virus if found to claim it.

In conclusion therefore there are 8 strains of hepatitis that have been researched on extensively and elaborately explained. These include hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Hepatitis has been studied as disease that affects the liver in its chronic stages which is its worst stage. It generally would reach the chronic stage because the initial stages of hepatitis or the acute stages are very asymptomatic, this means that they rarely show any signs that would make one rush to hospital therefore giving the virus time to accumulate to a chronic stage.

Most of the hepatitis viruses in their acute stage usually clear out on their own, but if this fails to happen then this is when it would develop into the chronic stage which would lead to abnormalities in the liver like the liver cirrhosis, liver cancer which might need one to get a liver transplant to alleviate the situation.

The best method that has been adopted to deal with this disease has been to avert the risk factors is the prevention of infection and spread. For example blood has to be thoroughly screened before transfusion, and medical equipment have to be thoroughly sterilized before they are reused. Certain procedures that could lead to the spread like tattoos, drug use and even sexual activity are also being addressed so as to prevent spread of certain strains like the hepatitis C for example.

Apart from prevention however there are also certain medications that researchers have come up with and have been discussed in this paper that can help to deal with the disease.

We therefore know that having hepatitis is not hope lost because hepatitis has a cure and one can continue living a normal life after hepatitis (Hepatitis Foundation International).

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